搜索 陈俊权

  • The plot revolves around the lives of four ex-convicts trying to turn over a new leaf.  Ah Hu (Lian), Mad Dog (Lei), Jian Ren (Lim) and Sha Bao (Chin) start a food and beverage business, but their past catches up with them as Ah Hu's t…
  • The plot revolves around the lives of four ex-convicts trying to turn over a new leaf.\nAh Hu (Lian), Mad Dog (Lei), Jian Ren (Lim) and Sha Bao (Chin) start a food and beverage business, but their past catches up with them as Ah Hu's teenage son, played by Shawn Ho, gets into trouble for selling drugs.
  • 男兒立志出鄉關,啟明以為自己站在事業巔峰,高呼我是世界之王,誰知一朝接到解僱信,求職無門,卻變成扮裝俱樂部之后。把鋼鐵直男變女嬌娥,不是人生卡到陰,卻是撞到正,舞台上少女時代是少年,野雞變天團,有難同當,三八兄弟偏成好姐妹,人鬼殊途,原來殊途同歸,天作不和,其實裡應外合。只是當皇后易,當自己卻難,啟明家有妻小需要瞞,還…
  • 陈天送(林家栋 饰)出生在一个贫困的家庭之中,却偏偏爱上了千金大小姐高诗琴,两人的地位和身份悬殊是如此的巨大,注定了他们的感情不会受到祝福,亦不会有所结果。最终,两人分道扬镳,在陈天送的心中留下了深深的遗憾和阴影,他只能借着制作风筝来纪念这段逝去的爱情。   某日,陈天送遇见了名为高曼华的美丽女子,让陈天送感到十分意外的…